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  • Car dealership transforms sales management and customer journeys with Zoho CRM

The company

As a Car Dealership with 20 years of experience, the company was keen to demonstrate their passion for the automotive sector and their customer base. The dealership mission statement maintains, ‘That as leaders and role models within the industry, we stand strongly and firmly on a foundation of experience and knowledge, strengthened by partnerships and proud to represent the world’s largest vehicle brands’. 

The challenge

Though well established, it was recognised that there was a need for a technology solution to manage the sales process from beginning to end, through a centralised data repository. There was a clear need for improved reporting with a particular requirement for greater visibility into sales activities.

Further, there was considered need to be able to access customer data with an overview of discussions held, agreed actions, orders placed, and specific offers for each interaction by sales individual and or partner.

The solution

The need for a centralised CRM (Customer Resource Management) was identified allowing instant access to updated information for both the sales teams, partners, and managers. 


All sales and partners sales activities are monitored at each stage by individual sales and as groups.

A management sales employee dashboard offers performance management and identified training development by individual.

Stock availability is identified based on accurate forecasting.

Timely sales performance forecasting is constantly available.

A fully documented offer sign-off system allows immediate approval levels.

A step-by-step record of each customer interaction is maintained. Where no purchase is made, further follow up action can be initiated. To include reasons for non-purchase through full customer feedback.

Commission payments can be calculated and passed directly to payroll.

In the event of a salesperson being unavailable, a colleague is able to continue the sales process with a customer in their absence with a full knowledge of all actions up to that time. Any new actions/conversations are recorded and updated for the original staff member.

A historical record of customers and purchases is maintained. Clients who may be interested can be contacted directly to present new models with purchase offers.

Individuals can clearly measure and understand their own performance levels against personal targets.


Sperto Consulting are pleased to report that through the implementation of a highly user friendly ZOHO CRM system and integrated CRM Workdrive, the dealership has concluded that the sales cycle process has been both significantly streamlined and improved, with a clear understanding of trends and customer decision making through analysis of data collected. 

With full clarity through individual and team dashboards, managers can offer full oversight and support while sharing best practice as it is identified. Sales performance improved overall through a sense of team, sales training and competition.
Industry Type



Dominican Republic

Type of business

Privately held

Features that helped us
  • Customization
  • Blueprint
  • Assignment rules
  • Workflow automation
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Integrations