Blog tagged as business

CRM and Customer Relations
In this article we are looking to answer the most common question when considering CRM, that being ‘Does a CRM improve customer relationships’? The answer is of course yes, but only if utilised effectively.
Consecuencias del Fallo en la Innovación
Resulta impresionante que el 88% de las empresas presentes en el Fortune 500 de 1955 ya no existen. Estas compañías han quedado en bancarrota, se han fusionado con otras o siguen existiendo pero han dejado de estar en el top Fortune 500.
Consequences of Failure to Innovate
It is quite shocking that 88% of the Fortune 500 firms that existed in 1955 are gone. These companies have either gone bankrupt, merged, or still exist but have fallen from the top Fortune 500 companies. Most of the companies on the list in 1955 are unrecognizable, forgotten companies today.
The Mobile CRM
When we consider business automation our minds tend to take us to thinking about CRM.
Manejando Cambios en Ventas Corporativas
A lo largo de nuestras vidas, inevitablemente debemos abordar y aceptar el cambio en nuestra existencia personal y profesional cotidiana. Para lograr el éxito, necesitamos tanto abrazar como gestionar este cambio.
El CRM Móvil
A lo largo de nuestras vidas, inevitablemente debemos abordar y aceptar el cambio en nuestra existencia personal y profesional cotidiana. Para lograr el éxito, necesitamos tanto abrazar como gestionar este cambio.
Managing Change in B2B Sales
Throughout our lives we inevitably must address and accept change in both our personal and professional day to day existence. In order to achieve success, we need to both embrace and manage this change.
5 Steps to Protect Your Business from Fraud
Business fraud occurs everywhere. It happens in small and large businesses. The perpetrator might be a Baby Boomer, Gen-X, or Millennial. It doesn't matter. Dishonest and/or desperate employees have no preferences or age restrictions.
Avoid These 6 Business Mistakes
Owners and managers of small businesses and SMEs work hard running their respective businesses, trying to satisfy customers, and motivating employees. Unfortunately with so much to do, many owners make missteps along the way.
5 Basic Principles to Improve Business Performance
A business owner must prepare for growth and eventual success by focusing on five basic “P” principles...plan, people, prioritize, processes, and pace. When these are mastered, you’ll see a business headed in the right direction.